About Me

Artist, Designer, 2001

Growing up on the countryside of Lower Austria, I was always drawn to the mystical beauty of nature, as well as its brute force. The dichotomy of this beauty intertwined with brutality is at the core of my work.

The colorful spread of people that I got to meet and interact with daily in my parents’ restaurant taught me a lot about the multitude of lived experiences. The weird, wonky and crooked realities of existence are catalyzed in group settings.

Storytelling at the “Stammtisch” is a central aspect to rural living. There are nuances left out, stories expressed in the pauses, power in the spoken word. This lays the foundation for a lot of my works - to nurture the power of storytelling. Mythicality and ambiguity are ever greater mechanism in a world that is catalogued, captured and digitized.

Human nature is messy and unclear, and I see my role as an artist and designer as one of a communicator.
Instead of trying to explain human contradictions that can be found in any and every manmade and more-than-human medium, I want to find power in settling into this uncertainty. Drawing on personal stories and experiences, I find myself asking what it was at the core, that burned them into my memory. Why do I feel the way I feel and how can I communicate this feeling with all it’s complex entanglements and meanings.